
Annual team awayday as Craigmyle Consultants meet up in Ramsgate

We often emphasise to our clients, large and small, the importance of taking time out from the busyness of everyday to take time to take a strategic approach, review activities and look at longer term planning. While accredited Craigmyle consultants regularly work together in pairs or in threes on projects bringing together the appropriate and different skills and experience required, and seek informal advice and input from all our colleagues, we rarely meet in person and even less during the pandemic.

All being well we will be in Ramsgate this week for our annual get together. All the Craigmyle consultants meet up to discuss the key issues in fundraising and how with over 60 years’ experience we can use current learning to meet today’s challenges. Getting together offers an opportunity to compare experiences and develop a collective picture from our work with clients from across the UK and with different sectors – arts & heritage, faith organisations, educational and charities. Sessions typically draw upon fundraising best practice and theory whilst ensuring a practical side as we explore case studies and how best to use when working with clients.

Last year, our focus was on helping clients adjust to the pandemic and offering immediate support and advice, including keeping supporters informed, thinking holistically and accessing emergency funding.

The focus this year is about looking ahead together and how we can best help our clients move forward. Many clients have had to focus on immediate and short term needs and campaigns and fundraising appeals have been delayed or stalled in the face of the pandemic. As we start to move forward perhaps now is the time to think about longer term planning and the next steps.

If you want to talk with us about how we can help your fundraising planning do get in touch.

If you want to stay in touch with the latest tips and insight arising from our 2021 get together, do follow us on Linked In or Twitter.

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We often emphasise to our clients, large and small, the importance of taking time out from the busyness of everyday to take time to take a strategic approach, review activities and look at longer term planning. While accredited Craigmyle consultants regularly work together in pairs or in threes on projects bringing together the appropriate and different skills and experience required, and seek informal advice and input from all our colleagues, we rarely meet in person and even less during the pandemic.

All being well we will be in Ramsgate this week for our annual get together. All the Craigmyle consultants meet up to discuss the key issues in fundraising and how with over 60 years’ experience we can use current learning to meet today’s challenges. Getting together offers an opportunity to compare experiences and develop a collective picture from our work with clients from across the UK and with different sectors – arts & heritage, faith organisations, educational and charities. Sessions typically draw upon fundraising best practice and theory whilst ensuring a practical side as we explore case studies and how best to use when working with clients.

Last year, our focus was on helping clients adjust to the pandemic and offering immediate support and advice, including keeping supporters informed, thinking holistically and accessing emergency funding.

The focus this year is about looking ahead together and how we can best help our clients move forward. Many clients have had to focus on immediate and short term needs and campaigns and fundraising appeals have been delayed or stalled in the face of the pandemic. As we start to move forward perhaps now is the time to think about longer term planning and the next steps.

If you want to talk with us about how we can help your fundraising planning do get in touch.

If you want to stay in touch with the latest tips and insight arising from our 2021 get together, do follow us on Linked In or Twitter.