Gladstone's Library


Fees are based on the nature and level of service we provide. We do not work on commission. We prepare a clear fee structure for each client, so that they know their commitment at each stage of a project.

Individual project fees vary, but we aim always to offer value for money; and all contracts include appropriate notice clauses. We’ve been invited back by many clients to work on successive projects over several years, testimony to our ability to help them achieve a good return on their investment.


Fees are based on the nature and level of service we provide. We do not work on commission. We prepare a clear fee structure for each client, so that they know their commitment at each stage of a project.

Individual project fees vary, but we aim always to offer value for money; and all contracts include appropriate notice clauses. We’ve been invited back by many clients to work on successive projects over several years, testimony to our ability to help them achieve a good return on their investment.